Payday is often about covering the basics. If you set a little bit aside each pay period, what could you do with that money once it’s grown enough to help you meet your goals? Some people may use the money for a
down payment on a house, to go back to school, or even to take that special vacation that they’ve been dreaming of for years.
Escapade -- Janet Jackson
Cashed my check, I'm ready to go
I promise you, I'll show you such a good time
Come on baby, let's get away
Let's save our troubles for another day
Come go with me, we've got it made
Let me take you on an escapade
Sometimes, all you need is a getaway. When you work hard and save up, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself and others every once in a while, as long as you’re able to cover all the basics. Then, be sure to enjoy yourself.
Vacation -- Dirty Heads
As I work hard for all I need
Open arms, embracing life
And all of which you gave me
Hard work, it pays off
I'm happy now, it's paying me
If you decide to save up for a vacation, that hard work will pay off. While this Dirty Heads song is about having a career that you enjoy so much that it feels like you’re on vacation, the overall idea can ring true for most people: work hard for what you need, let it pay off, and you can choose your happiness.
What’s Your Next Money Move?
When exploring these songs, did you get any ideas for your next money move? Whether you’re ready to get serious about opening a savings account, saving for a down payment or a vacation, or something else, Academy Bank is here to be your financial partner.
Learn more about our
savings accounts in order to make the most of your paychecks.
And be sure to share with us your favorite songs about payday.
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