Luke Miller

About Luke Miller

Commercial banker Luke Miller
Luke Miller 
Managing Director, National Commercial Real Estate
Office: 816-412-1641
Cell: 816-621-9250
1201 Walnut St. Suite 1100
Kansas City, MO 64106

Luke Miller is the Managing Director of Academy Bank’s National Commercial Real Estate team. He has over 20 years of experience in commercial real estate financing, working with all major property types. Luke originates, negotiates, and structures commercial real estate transactions for individual and institutional investors across the country.

Prior to joining Academy Bank in 2013, he served as vice president of a national CRE lender overseeing the institution’s credit risk management process. Before that, he worked for a large third-party loan servicer providing real estate advisory services including due diligence, surveillance, asset management and the valuation of complex investments.

Luke’s focus on understanding clients' needs and anticipating how to make their real estate transactions as efficient as possible has resulted in lasting relationships with clients and colleagues. He considers these relationships to be some of his most significant achievements.

Luke supports Friends of Animals, Inc., a non-profit organization that works to find forever homes and rescues for homeless pets, and the Johnson County, Kansas Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever Chapter, which works to support wildlife conservation and outdoor experiences for women and children. He also enjoys traveling with his wife of 16 years, spending time with their dog Snoop, playing golf, fishing, and hunting.